• ペンタブレット
  • 液晶ペンタブレット
  • 付属品
11.6 inches
Studio VK1560


新しいクラスのクリエイティブ ペン ディスプレイ: クリエイティブな初心者向けに最適化された機能セットは、FHD の明瞭さと人間工学に基づいたデザインを提供し、クリエイティブなアイデアやイラストを次のレベルに引き上げることができます。

超応答性: VK1560 は、8192 レベルの圧力感度、60° のチルト応答、実質的にラグのないトラッキングを備えています。カスタマイズ可能な 7 つのショートカット キーとダイヤルにより、好みの作業スタイルに合わせて、よりカスタマイズされたオプションに簡単にアクセスできます。

フルラミネート加工: VK1560 アート ディスプレイはフルラミネート加工技術を採用しており、ガラスとスクリーンをシームレスに組み合わせることで、気が散ることのない、目に優しい作業環境を作り出しています。

業界をリードするカラー ディスプレイ: Veikk VK1560 には IPS ディスプレイが搭載されており、均一な明るさ、1920x1080 の高解像度、実物そっくりの色品質を示します。

指先でコントロール: リラックスしたパララックスにより、完全なコントロールが可能になり、非常に反応の良い P03 電池不要のスタイラスと組み合わせることで、紙に描くのと同じくらい自然な感覚で作成できます。

調整可能なスタンドが付属: より柔軟で人間工学に基づいた作業位置を確保できます。完全に快適に作業し、より良いアートワークを作成します。

(4.92) 製品体験を共有する
¥38,999 ¥43,499
バンドル 1
1 ピース
1 ピース

Google Pay





2-7 営業日、ほとんどの国で送料無料、一部の国では配送料がかかる場合があります。注文ページで確認してください



購入から 30 日以内は無料




24 か月の限定ハードウェア保証


寸法: 425 x 261 x 15mm

モデル: VK1560

作業エリア: 15.6"

レポートレート: 290 PPS

ペン: P03

筆圧レベル: 8192

伝送距離: 10mm

傾き検知機能: 60°

互換性: Windows 11/10/8/7, Mac OS 10.12 (またはそれ以降), Chrome OS 88 (またはそれ以降), Linux(Ubuntu/elementary OS/Pop!OS/ezgo/debian/mint/mageia/centOS/Arch)

カラーオプション: ブラック

保証情報: 24 か月の限定ハードウェア保証

フルラミネーション: はい

画面解像度: 1920 x 1080

視野角: 178°

電源供給方式: AC 100-240V

ショートカットキー: 7

ダイヤル: 1


1 x VK1560ペン型ディスプレイ

1 x USBケーブル

1 x HDMIケーブル

1 x 電源ケーブル

1 x アダプター

1 x P03 バッテリーレスペン

1 x ペンケース

10 x ペン先

1 x ペン先抽出器

1 x クイックスタートガイド

1 x 描画グローブ

1 x クリーニングクロス

IPS HD 画面描画表示
VEIKK vk1560
1920x1080 高解像度
シック vk1560
1670万色表示の1920×1080 HD IPS描画モニター
反射防止マットプロテクターは、画面上の可視光の反射を減らし、グレア効果を減らします 紙のような感触を提供します 描画作成をよりスムーズにします


Studio VK1200 V2

Studio VK2200 Pro

4.92 から星 5 まで

4.92 評価 | 14 レビュー

1.Treyton on 2023-05-15
This product is really amazing in my opinion. So for starters, it is really easy to set up, it's a simple plug in and install drivers situation. No need to go through extra complicated steps. Another point about this product is that it has a pressure sensitive screen. I did try this out a little but did not include a pic due to my time restraints with the product (I'm a manager at a food place I basically have no life). But, that means if you are using any type of Art Application that has pressure sensitive input, you can use this with no problem. And while I am on the topic of drawing, the pen is amazing too. This products pen/stylus does not require a battery at all, nor does it require being plugged into the tablet or pc. It is just it's own existing thing. The hotkeys are very useful, you can map them to anything from use to the application you use, or just to control your PC. So it definitely works as good gaming screen (If that's what you want to use it for as a second option). I know I will be personally, I am always gaming in the go, and although it will look weird showing up to a Tekken 7 tournament with a drawing tablet and a controller, it still works and that's all that matters. My verdict, great tablet. Must buy!
2.Eva on 2023-04-10
I have done a lot of research on Drawing Tablets and I must admit that I was intimidated by all the things I heard and all the fancy big buttons but I knew in order to step up my art skills, I had to get it. The VK1560 is the Greatest choice I could have made for a Drawing Tablet! When I first opened my package, I was mindblown on how Sleek and Professional the Tablet looked! It instantly could make any place you put it look like a official Setup. As I continued to unbox it the astonishment only grew. Setting up the VK1560 was super EASY. All I had to do was first, go to veikk.com and download the drivers (As stated on the note within the package) then simply connect the USB and HDMI cords to your PC and lastly plug in the power cord! That's It! After that I was good to go! One thing that I was concerned about during my research on Drawing Tablets was the phrase I kept hearing over and over, "Pen Pressure." To my surprise the VK1560 lets you FULLY customize the Pen Pressure to your Unique style and liking so you can make art however you want! Not only that, on the left side of the tablet there are 8 Shortcut Buttons that you can assign to any task you like (Erase, Zoom, Redo ect.). Everything is perfect, the Custom Pen Pressure, Button Assigns just Everything. Thats not all. As I was setting everything up, I quickly noticed EXTRA features that many other Drawing Tablets do not have. The Vk1560 also has a BUILT-IN Adjustable Stand so you can work at any angle you wish. This feature also means for great mobility around your setup. You can keep it stationary on your desk or you can flatten the stand and put your VK1560 in your desk or on a shelf. Now to the Display itself. The Display is simple to explain.. Its perfect. Its not to big or to small. The VK1560 also comes with a screen cleaner and hand glove so you can keep your display in great health. Doing Art is so much simpler combining all the features the VK1560 provides! Whether your a beginner like me or a expert, the VK1560 is the perfect purchase for you. Not only is it a great product but it's way more affordable than other drawing tablets! I highly encourage you to get this!
3.Cassandra Nuno on 2023-03-15
As a user who uses a Surface Pro (2017) for a daily tablet, my review is based on my experience from using a touch screen tablet. I have not tried any of the big-name brand monitor tablets, but Veikk once again hits it out of the park with their product! Super responsive, very, VERY good price and you get everything you will ever need from the box! The Veikk driver is the same for the A30 I had previously installed, so that wasn't hard. It also came with an extra stylus! The pressure sensitivity is amazing. I like the brightness of the screen. The programmable buttons on the side were easy to set up and do actually come in handy over using a keyboard. I wasn't' hurting my wrist as much. I like how the stylus is battery-free, and you get extra nibs! That's a big bonus for me! You get all the wires and accessories for this product. I was impressed with what came with it. The back stand can be nicely adjustable to whatever height you need and to be comfortable. I really enjoy this monitor tablet. It felt really nice to draw on. For the price of this compare to other ones, you honestly can't beat this price if this is a tablet you are looking to get! It does the job good and more!
4.Dad of Divas on 2023-03-01
So far I have been using this for a few weeks and I wanted to give it a good test drive before I reviewed it. Both my daughters love art so this was something that we were excited to try as I know it is something that will help them to bring their art to a whole new level. In receiving this unit I came to find that it was a huge screen (which I was expecting) but it was even larger than I first thought it would be. As I opened the unit I was happy to feel how light the tablet was. I also was impressed that you got everything that you needed to make sure that you were read to set this up. You will have to download software to use with a computer, but other than that everything was in the box. As I plugged this in I found that you get a good resolution and color on the screen itself. You can also adjust brightness on the back if you would like which was a nice addition! There is already a screen protector on the screen which was nice, especially with how large the screen is. The protector is a matte finish which does not impact screen quality, but instead, it actually enhances the experience.
5.Marla on 2023-02-22
I am a 31yo freelance artist who works at home and does commissions for a living so it was a real pleasure to find this tablet at such a reasonable price for those of us who don't want/can't spend an arm and a leg for the Wacom tablets. I have owned a Graphire4, Intuos Medium, then switched to display tablets with my 22" Monoprice a few years ago. I must say it would be hard for me to revert back to a display-less tablet. This tablet has a great screen, it's also widescreen which is nice so your tool side bars don't get too intrusive in your work space. After a bit of tweaking with the settings and pen pressure it is a solid peace of technology for growing or professional artists of all kinds!