Studio VK2200 Pro

1 x Pen Display
1 x Kabel USB-C
1 x Kabel HDMI
1 x Kabel Daya
1 x Adaptor Daya
2 x Pena P05
2 x Tempat Pena
1 x Tempat Pena (8 x Ujung Pena)
20 x Ujung Pena
1 x Panduan Cepat

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
(4.66) Bagikan Pengalaman Produk Anda
Rp5,672,988 Rp8,104,338
Paket 1
Harga Paket:Rp5,754,033

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2-10 hari kerja, Pengiriman gratis untuk pesanan di atas $24 di sebagian besar negara, beberapa negara mungkin dikenakan biaya pengiriman, silakan periksa di halaman pemesanan

Gratis dalam 30 hari setelah pembelian Anda

Garansi perangkat keras terbatas 24 bulan (hanya di veikk.com)

Spesifikasi & Detail+

Dimensi: 556 x 330 x 18mm

Sudut Pandang: 21.5 inches

Tingkat laporan: 290 RPS

Pulpen: P05

Sensitivitas Tekanan: 8192

Tinggi Membaca: 10mm

Pelabuhan: DC Power in, USB-C, HDMI

Kemiringan: 60°

Kesesuaian: Windows 11/10/8/7, macOS x10.12 (atau lebih baru), Linux (Ubuntu/elementary OS/Pop!OS/ezgo/debian/mint/mageia/centOS/Arch)

Garansi: 2 tahun (hanya di veikk.com)

Laminasi Penuh: Ya

Resolusi Layar: 1920 x 1080

Sudut Pandang: 178°

Masukan Catu Daya: DC 12V 3A

Tombol Pintasan: 2 tahun (hanya di veikk.com)

Dalam Kotak+

1 x Pen Display
1 x Kabel USB-C
1 x Kabel HDMI
1 x Kabel Daya
1 x Adaptor Daya
2 x Pena P05
2 x Tempat Pena
1 x Tempat Pena (8 x Ujung Pena)
20 x Ujung Pena
1 x Panduan Cepat

Dukungan +



Dukungan Layanan

Produk yang Disarankan untuk Anda

Creator VK1060Pro

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Adaptor daya VK2200Pro

Ulasan Pelanggan
4.66 dari 5 bintang

4.66 penilaian | 21 ulasan

1.billy on 2023-06-14
Overall, good value for money. As for the advantages, the pen is sensitive, the pressure is good, the wires are sufficient, the design, the simple and easy-to-use interface, and the driver part, you can understand it immediately after browsing the Internet. The package was a mess and the entire box was deformed, but luckily the product was not damaged.
2.Beth on 2023-05-29
The Veikk Studio VK2200 Pro is one of very few large-screen tablets available at sub-£400 and is one of the cheapest for its specifications. The VK2200 Pro achieves much of what it promises: a large, simple-to-use tablet with a satisfying drawing surface and a price tag that makes it an attractive prospect for many buyers. It's definitely a solid choice for art students and hobbyists. The colours are great, the stand is very adaptable and at approximately 18mm thick, the tablet itself is even relatively portable, despite its large size.
3.ttheedaa on 2023-05-26
The product pack only has one box. But there aren't any scratches. Usability is ok. Cheaper than other models But the performance is very good. Recommended for people with a small budget.
4.Julie on 2023-04-03
It is easy to use. Large size and great monitor. Can be used by left or right-handed artists
5.Bill on 2023-03-27
The tablet is thinner than most I've used at this size!